

Why comments?

You can use comments to add detailed information to a task.

Nozbe is all about improving communication and making collaboration more productive. The core idea behind our app is task-based communication. So, if you want to inform someone about a task, give your opinion, or ask them for feedback, let them know in via a comment.

This way, you can focus your team’s communication around tasks. This is how we work at Nozbe. We don’t send emails to one another, we communicate through tasks and comments, and we share projects.

If you work alone, comments are a great place to write down your thoughts, ideas, or store documents for appropriate tasks.

How to add a new comment

You can comment on any task. Even if you’re working all by yourself, it’s a great way to add additional information to a task.

Open a task and tap on the “Add your comment or upload a file” window to add a comment. You can add text, checklists, lists (bulleted or numbered), and attach files.

Adding a new comment

Different types of comments

There are different types of comments:

Comments options
  1. Attach content: hit the paperclip icon to add attachment (photos, documents, PDFs) from your device’s drive to the comment. If you are using Nozbe on mobile or you enabled the Evernote integration, you can hit the “+” icon here to choose an appropriate type of attachment. You can also drag and drop a file directly into the comment area to attach it.
Adding attachments
  1. Mention: in projects you share with other people, this option allows you to mention them in your comment.
Mentioning someone in a comment
  1. Task link: in your comment you can put a link to other tasks. You can also link other task lists, such as another project, Calendar, Incoming, Priority etc.
Linking tasks and task lists
  1. Checklist

  2. Bulleted list

  3. Numbered list

  4. Toggle focus mode: to type in longer comments, you can expand the view using this option.

You can combine multiple elements in one comment. This means that you can add e.g. regular text, a checklist, and an attachment in the same comment.

Thumbnails and previews

When you attach certain files, a small representation of the file (a thumbnail) will show up in the comment area. Nozbe will show you these thumbnails for:

When you click on certain files, you can see their previews directly in the Nozbe app. The supported file types are:

You can browse previewable attachments right from the preview. To do that, click any image in a comment, then press < or > arrows next to the “Download” button, or the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard. You can only browse previewable attachments from one comment at a time. You can also tap on an image to zoom in or out on it.

Previewing the attachments

Use the Grid view to see all attachments in the comment on one screen. To access it, press the button in the top right corner.

Grid view

If you want to read an attached file that isn’t previewable, you will need to download it on your device. Tap on an attachment to download it.

Converting long comments into attachments

If the text you typed in is very long, Nozbe will add its first line as a regular text comment, and convert the rest of that text to a TXT file attached to that comment. The mechanism will work when your text comment exceeds 12 KB or 12 000 characters, or 80 KB or 80 000 characters if that comment is a checklist.

Editing or deleting comments

When you wish to edit or delete one of your comments, tap on the “…” icon next to that comment.

Comments menu

Here you will find a few options. You can pin the comment, edit it, make it editable by others, reply to it, copy it, or delete it.


Don’t worry if you open one of your comments, start editing it and then accidentally switch to another view without saving the changes. We’ve got you covered with the autosave function. Just go back to the task, and open the edit mode again. You will see your last changes. You can either cancel or save them.

Pinned comments

Pinned comments remain where they were, but become orange and more visible between other comments. You can pin more than one comment, and you can also filter your comments by pinned comments only. This is very useful if you only want to see the most important information that you had previously pinned.

Pinning a comment

You can also display pinned comments only by clicking on the pin icon in the top right corner of the task details view:

Pinned Comments

If you turn this option on, Nozbe will remember to show you only pinned comments - even after you leave the view and go back to this task.

Watch a short video about this feature:

Formatting comments with Markdown

You can use the Markdown syntax to format the text style like:

Note that formatting is not allowed in the middle of the word.

You can also use Markdown syntax to edit the links in your comments:

[text goes here](link goes here)

So, if you want to add a link to Nozbe, you can add:

I like to use [Nozbe](https://nozbe.com)

Here’s what it looks like in practice:

Adding a hyperlink

Watch a short video about this feature:

Telephone numbers

You can also add a hyperlink to a telephone number. Type in the “tel:” prefix, then follow it with the phone number. Write all the numbers together, so it should be tel:1234567890 instead of 123-456-7890.

Adding a telephone number


In Nozbe, you don’t always have to write a reply to your space member’s comment. Instead, you can add a reaction to it!

To do so, tap on the “…” icon next to the comment and choose one of the available reactions:

Comments reactions

Once you add a reaction, you can always remove it. If you want to do so, tap on its icon, and it will disappear.

You can also check who added the reaction. To do so, hover your mouse over the reaction icon, and you will see the usernames of people who reacted to that comment.

How can I mention someone in a comment

You can @mention someone to draw someone’s attention to your comment.

Here’s how mentioning works: when you add a @mention in a comment to a task, that person will receive a push notification about your mention in that task. The task will also appear in that user’s Incoming view.

To mention someone, type in that person’s name preceded with a “@” symbol (e.g., @John, @Ann) in a comment to a task.

Mentioning someone in a comment

Once you start typing, you will see the suggested usernames. You don’t have to type the whole username after the @ symbol. Just hit Enter or choose the name from the suggested usernames list to pick the one you want. Once you add your comment, you will see that the mention is highlighted in blue. If someone else mentions you, it will be highlighted in orange.

Mentioning a group

You can also mention a group of users. You can do that by adding a few separate @mentions for each person you want to mention.

You can also type in @following to mention every other space member following the project, or type in @all to mention every space member with access to that project.

They will also see that group mention in their Incoming view.

If you’re a Nozbe Premium user, you can also create custom groups within your Space that you can mention in the comments. Read more about Grouping space Members.

Creating a task from a comment

Sometimes, you may want to transform an idea written in a comment to a separate task. To do this, navigate to that comment, then hit the “…” next to it to open the comment’s menu. Choose “Create task from this comment”.

Creating a task from a comment

Type in your task’s name, and add any parameters you want. Confirm adding the task. The content of the transformed comment will be automatically added as a comment to the created task.

Making comments editable by others

If you want other people to work with you on a comment, you can make the comment editable by others.

To do this, hit the “…” icon next to the comment and choose “Make editable by others”. The comment will be automatically pinned, and people who have access to that project will be able to edit it.

Making comment editable by others

Please note that once you change a comment to be editable by others, you won’t be able to revert that action.