

Calendar in Nozbe

Calendar in Nozbe is an intelligent list that shows all your tasks with a due date set, as well as reminders.

Calendar View

You can also filter the Calendar to see tasks of all space members, or tasks of a chosen user.

Using filters in the Calendar view

View the past and the coming months by tapping on the arrows in the top-right corner of the screen. You can also tap “Today” to access the list of tasks scheduled for today.

Viewing different weeks

If you want to focus on tasks from specific days, you can collapse the day you don’t need using an arrow next to that day. You can also hit the “+” icon to add a new task to a chosen day.

Collapsing different days and adding new tasks

You can also drag and drop tasks between different days in the calendar. Dragging a task to a different day will also update its due date.

Dragging and dropping tasks

If you added time attributes to any task that shows up in the calendar, a summary of time needed and time spent for all active tasks scheduled for that day will show up below the day’s header. Also, a summary of time needed and spent for all active tasks in the period displayed in the calendar will appear on the top bar of that view.

Time attributes in the Calendar

Calendar’s menu

Tap on the “…” icon to open the Calendar details menu:

Calendar View

Hide completed / Show all completed: hide or show completed tasks in your Calendar

Show a week / Show the next 30 days: use this option to switch between the weekly and the monthly view in your Calendar:

Calendar View

Select tasks: you can select multiple tasks to edit them at once:

Calendar View

Confirm your changes with the “Done” button. Otherwise, they won’t be saved!

Calendars: here you can enable the integration with Google Calendar and the integration with Outlook Calendar. Nozbe will create a sub-calendar in the app you integrate with it. All tasks with due dates assigned to you will appear in the integrated sub-calendar. Events added to the sub-calendar with show up in Nozbe as well.

Export to CSV: you can export your tasks from Calendar to a CSV file

Future versions of recurring tasks

In the Calendar view, you can also see future versions of recurring tasks. They are greyed out, and are marked with a “⟳” icon.

Future instance of a recurring task

These versions have been added to the calendar ONLY for planning purposes. They are inactive, and you can’t act on them e.g. by changing their due date or checking them off. Their sole reason for existence is to let you know that on a given day you have something planned.

If you’d like to see or edit the original task, open that version, then hit the “View” button at the bottom.