

What Are tags?

Tags are used to categorize your tasks by, e.g., places or tools required for task completion.

You can use them to group various tasks and do them in bundles unrelated to the project but related to a particular aspect used.

Tags list

Tags are right below your project list in the sidebar, under the More list.

When you tap on it, you will see all the tags you and your other space members have created so far.

Tags list

Creating a tag

To create a new tag, tap on “Tags” button in the left panel to open the list of all tags. Tap on the “+” icon at the top.

Now you can name your tag, add color, and an icon. You can also decide whether the tag should be private or shared with your space. Tap on the “Create” button to add it to your tag list.

Create new tag

You can also create a tag directly from the task details view.

To do this, open a task, then hit the “Tags” button. Now select the “+ Create a new tag” option. Enter your tag’s name. Decide whether you want to share it with your space, or make it private. You can also choose a color and an icon for that tag. Hit the “Create” button to create the tag, then hit “Done” to apply the tag to your task.

Create new tag

Adding or removing a tag to/from a task

You can add a tag by choosing one from the details of a task.

Add or remove a tag

You can pick one or more tags and tap on “Done” to confirm your choice. Nozbe will add all selected tags to your task.

If you wish to remove a tag from the task, open the task details again and click on the button stating the given tag name, unmark it, and confirm the change.

Grouping tasks by projects in tag’s view

By default, tasks in a tag’s view are grouped by projects to which they belong.

You can disable that grouping by turning off the “Project” grouping option.

Turning off grouping

When grouping is disabled, you can drag and drop tasks on the list to manually sort them.

To reenable grouping tasks by projects, open the filters menu and choose “Group by” → “Project”.

Reenabling grouping

How to archive a tag

If you don’t need a tag anymore, you can archive it. That way, you won’t see it on your tag list anymore. All you have to do is to:

  1. Tap on Tags in the left panel and choose a tag you want to archive.
  2. Open the tag’s menu by clicking on the “…” icon visible next to the tag’s name.
  3. Select the “Archive” option and confirm your choice.
How to archive a tag

The app will hide the tag from the list of tags and the tag pickers. It will still be visible in tasks it was added to, and it will stay there until you remove it from the task manually.

Archived tags will stay hidden from the list of active ones until you tap on the “…” icon next to “All tags” header and choose “Show archived”. Tags that are archived will show up as crossed out.

How to archive a tag

How to restore an archived tag

If you want that tag back, you can restore it from the archive. To do so:

  1. Open the tags list in the left panel (“Tags” button).
  2. Toggle showing archived tags using the “…” icon next to the “All tags” header.
  3. Open the archived tag you want to restore.
  4. Use the “…” icon next to the tags name, select the “Restore” option and confirm the change.
How to restore a tag

Tag’s menu

When you choose a tag from your “All tags” list, you can see all tasks from all the projects with this tag.

You can also edit the tag information and access the additional options by tapping on the “…” icon next to the tag’s name.

Display tag info
  1. Rename - you can change the tag name.
  2. Color - you can change the color.
  3. Icon - you can change the icon.
  4. Archive - you can archive the tag.
  5. Favorite - you can add this tag to your “Favorite” tags list.
  6. Show all completed - you can display the completed tasks with this tag.
  7. Select tasks - you can select tasks you want to edit.
  8. Copy task list link - you can generate a link to this task list.
  9. Export to CSV - you can export your task list with a tag to a CSV file.

💡 Hint: you can also check the statistics of a chosen tag by tapping the number of tasks displayed next to its name. The app will show you the number of completed and active tasks with that tag assigned, as well as the amount of time needed and time spent set for these tasks, with a pace breakdown for last days, weeks and months.

Displaying statistics

You won’t see statistics for tags set in other people’s private projects and tasks, as well as projects and tasks to which you don’t have access.

Sharing tags

When you create a tag, it will automatically become visible to other space members. They will see it on their tag list and all the tasks linked to it from the projects they have access to.

They will also see the tag icon and color that you selected.

Private tags

If you want to create a tag that no one else can see, you can! To create a private tag, tap on “Tags” in the left panel, then hit the “+” button next to the list of active tags. In the “Who can see this tag” section change the setting to “Private”.

Creating a private tag

Nozbe will place a task added in the tag’s view in your Single Tasks by default. You can then move that task to any other project. Your private tag won’t be visible to other space members after moving it to a project you share with them.