

nozbe4://x-callback-url schemes

Please bear in mind that this option is for advanced users.

X-Callback-url schemes is a standard for links to open apps in specified view or to trigger performing some action inside an app.

Learn more here:

URL scheme is a special type of link that starts with nozbe4:// and works just like normal https:// links you use every day. Instead of opening a webpage, it opens a specific view in the Nozbe app. Here is an example: nozbe4://goto/teams/TeamID/priority - it opens Nozbe in the Priority view. Below you will find technical documentation.

We implement x-callback-url protocol in our iOS, Android, macOS and Windows apps. It is a useful method for creating workflows and shortcuts from other apps to Nozbe views and actions.

General URL structure

URL Scheme actions look like this:


Generating a secret code


/goto command

The simplest action that opens specific task list in Nozbe. To get a url to the list, you can use the “Copy list link” option in its menu or open Nozbe in a browser and copy the url from address bar. Then replace https://nozbe.app part with nozbe4://goto


nozbe4://goto/teams/zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x/single_tasks - opens Single Tasks view in a team with ID: zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x

This one action only opens the view so it does not require ?secret=YOUR_SECRET parameter

Launching Quick Add window

nozbe4://goto/teams/zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x/quick_add - opens Quick Add window in a team with ID: zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x

Launching Jump To window

nozbe4://goto/teams/zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x/jump_to - opens Jump To window in a team with ID: zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x

Launching specific tag

nozbe4://goto/teams/zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x/tags/6fxaXuTFwaqd13QV - opens tag with ID 6fxaXuTFwaqd13QV in a team with ID: zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x

Launching specific project

nozbe4://goto/teams/zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x/projects/mfdcza541h8g20hz - opens project with ID mfdcza541h8g20hz in a team with ID: zR17yVDEDrpBbi8x

/add_task command

Required parameters:


Returns on success:


nozbe4://x-callback-url/add_task?project_id=u79rr9gfqszxtn45&name=Added%20with%20url&secret=abcdef - adds task “Added with url” to a project with ID: u79rr9gfqszxtn45.

Change secret=abcdef to your individual secret code.

/update_task command




nozbe4://x-callback-url/update_task?task_id=abcd1efgh2dcba3j&is_completed=true&secret=abcdef - Completes task with ID: abcd1efgh2dcba3j

Change secret=abcdef into your individual secret code.

/add_project command





nozbe4://x-callback-url/add_project?team_id=u79rr9gfqszxtn45&name=Project%20added%20with%20url&secret=abcdef - adds project “Project added with url” in a workspace with ID: u79rr9gfqszxtn45.

Change secret=abcdef into your individual secret code.